
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week One: Planes, trains, and... coughing.

So as I have mentioned on Facebook, I decided to blog about my time here in Spain! This way, I can always go back and look at what I did and it's a good tool to keep my family up to date with what I'm doing. Bear with me, I'm not the best writer in the world.

This journey and decision to study abroad started months ago. Last spring, my friend Abby and I talked about the possibility of studying abroad, but it just didn't seem like it would really happen. I don't want to go into details about the following months, because while they were exciting, they were also really stressful. Leaving the U.S. for 5+ months isn't an easy thing to do, and there's a lot of prep work necessary. But it doesn't matter. I'm here, aren't I?

Let's start with the flying over here. I met Abby at the airport at around 4PM and we checked in which was all pretty easy. We said goodbye to our parents (and neither of us cried!) and went through security. Here's our pre-departure pic:

It was awesome having her there to fly with because I hate flying, especially by myself. The flight was very bumpy and a couple of times I held on for dear life but no big deal. We left at 6 PM and the flight took about ten hours, so we arrived in Spain about 3 A.M. our time. Raquel and Raquel Jr. picked me up at the airport and were nice enough to wait until Bailey came to collect Abby!

A little about my host family: they are old friends of my fathers and I have spent time with them previously! The dad's name is Jose Luis and the mom is Raquel. They have two daughters, Raquel (11) and Carlota (9) and they are both adorable. They love to sing and dance and do other fun girly things. It's been so nice to stay in this home so far because they've really treated my like their own daughter!

I have my own apartment type thing in the basement of their house. I have a little living room, kitchenette, bathroom, and bedroom. I love it! Their house is in Pozuelo, which is about a 5 minute drive from being 'in' Madrid. They live within fifteen minutes walking distance of two train stations which is how I get everywhere.

On Monday I went and visited my university. It was not hard to find, but it takes me about an hour and a half, walking included, to get on campus. Everyone in Madrid has to commute but I really don't mind. The train is really nice and clean, and usually pretty empty because most people take the metro.

Tuesday was our orientation, which I was really looking forward to! I started feeling bad Monday night and thought I could sleep it off, but on Tuesday morning I ended up getting pretty sick after I was all ready to go to orientation, so I had to go right back to bed. It must have been a 12-hour stomach bug because after that my stomach felt fine. However, I've had a sore throat and cough ever since, which don't seem to be going away!

Wednesday I was feeling much better, so I decided to meet Abby, Bailey, and some new friends they met at orientation in the city center. We met at Puerta del Sol, where we took this super touristy picture:

I was really excited to meet Nina, Henry, and Holly! Henry is from Taiwan, Holly is from China, and Nina is from Holland. They were all really funny and it wasnt hard to get to know them at all. We wandered around Madrid, hitting up Plaza Mayor:

We ate some tapas at a bar near Plaza Mayor and I got to have all of my Spanish favorites again! Afterwards, we randomly walked down some side streets and accidentally ended up near the Royal Palace, so we decided to go in and see it! We also tried to take some artsy weird photos around Madrid instead of the typical touristy ones:

Okay well some of them were pretty touristy, but since we're still new here I'm excusing it. Regardless, I had a lot of fun on Wednesday and was really happy to make some new friends!

Fast forwarding to the weekend: I got to spend time with Candace's family, who I love like they are my own! Abuelo, Abuela, and Tio Pepe all live together here in Madrid. I stayed with them for 6+ weeks the last time I was in Madrid and was so happy to see them again. Me with Tio Pepe:

Today, I went with Tio Pepe to the Rastro, a flea market, and again to the city center just to walk around. We ate Indian food on the streets and visited some old friends I made last time I was here. Afterwards, I came home and played Karaoke Revolution with my little sisters, so it was a good day.

Tomorrow, I start classes! My first class is at 2:30 and it's Statistics. Luckily, I know people in every class. I'm having an amazing time in this beautiful country and I can't wait to see what the next five months bring :)

Thanks for reading!


  1. I'm so excited for you and me because you're writing this blog! I feel like I'll get to experience this journey with you. Enjoy it moment by moment. You'll remember it always. Love you. Aunt G

  2. So jealous of you but looking forward to the rest of your blog posts so I can live vicariously through you!! Love you Molls!

  3. Hola Molinchka! I love the blog....I love the pictures....but most of all, I love YOU! I can't wait to read your next post. :)
