
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Weeks 2, 3, and 4: Highlights

Well, I kinda let this blog go untouched for a few weeks... my bad. I should definitely keep up with it more so that I don't have to cram everything into one post, like I'm about to do.

I guess I'll start with classes! The registration process was a nightmare, and I didn't exactly end up with the classes I wanted... but close enough. I'm taking Statistics, Art History II, Contemporary History of Spain, and Commercial Law. Kind of a random group of classes, but I can honestly say I'm enjoying all of them so far! Minus statistics. I actually dread going to statistics.

I only have classes three days a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The days are fairly long though, usually a solid 9 hours (even though most of that time I'm not in class). I have to stay on campus because I live too far away to go back home during the break. I don't mind though because it lets me get things done! Like, watch 4 hours of Netflix, or walk down to the cerveceria with my friends and get super cheap drinks and tapas. It's a pretty nice life.

Interesting note about classes: the European teachers do not demand the same respect as our American teachers do. It's normal for students to talk over them, and while it was pretty annoying at first, I'm getting used to it. No one really gets in trouble for anything. Multiple times, I've felt like the Statistics teacher was only talking to me and my American friend, Bailey, because we were literally the only ones looking at her. But no pasa nada, it's just a different way of life.

SO moving past school, let's get to the fun stuff! Here are some highlights of what I've done in the past three weeks:


I went to la Sierra de Guadarrama, close to Madrid. From Madrid, you can see a beautiful mountain range with snow-covered peaks and they just look so beautiful. One night, my host father Jose Luis mentioned to me that you can actually just take the normal train up to the mountains, which made me want to do it right away. Two days later I made the two hour journey up there with three other girls from A&M. It was a BLAST. I'll remember this day forever.

I was a little unsure of what we were going to do up there, but we figured we would try it anyway. we left early in the morning and took the Renfe (Madrid's train system), and changed trains three times.

This is me sticking my head out of the last train, trying to catch snowflakes!

When we reached the top, we found these cute little tee-pees and igloos that this guy was making. I asked him if it was his job and he said yes? It may have gotten lost in translation... but he was really proud of his work. He basically forced me to go inside both of them.

Anyway, it was freezing outside, so we decided to stop and eat a quick lunch in the train station bar before starting to hike!

After we ate, we just started hiking up the giant mountain to see the view. The pictures don't do it justice... it was magical. Extremely beautiful and unlike anything I've ever seen before. It was freezing, and snowing, but we had an awesome time just wandering around, looking at the view, and taking cheesy artsy pictures. Most are on facebook but here are a few of my favorites!


As I mentioned before, I don't have classes on Tuesday! Neither do a few of my friends. Henceforth, we have decided that every Tuesday is "Tourist Tuesday." It's where we pick something super touristy to do so we make sure we get the full experience. We haven't had super adventurous Tourist Tuesdays yet because it's been snowing/raining every Tuesday, but we have had fun! 

On the first TT, Alex Kirincic, Abby, Bailey, Nick (our friend from Australia!) and I went to El Mercado San Miguel, which was a really cool indoor marketplace filled with every type of food you can imagine. Including the most delicious-looking, super expensive desserts. We also just did a bunch of touristy walking around Madrid, and Abby and I found a cool little cart-carraige thing! We visited the Museo de Jamon which is pretty famous here in Madrid. 

This past TT, the weather was awful so we just did lunch at a place called La Tierra. It was like the Spanish version of Chipotle, and it was DELICIOUS. So yeah. If you continue to read my blog, Tourist Tuesday will probably be mentioned quite often.


As I mentioned in my first blog post, I am living with some friends of my Dads'. He used to work for some company called Recognition (?) which worked with a company here in Madrid (I still think he works for the CIA and this will be proved in due time, no worries). Raquel, Montse, and my dad used to work together and have known each other since I was very little. I am living with Raquel, but I got the chance to hang out with both of them and their families together last week!

We went to a professional basketball game, which was awesome. They had VIP seats, and the game was really exciting and fun. The fans are pretty crazy, and it kind of reminded me of being at an A&M sporting event!

After the game, we went back to Montse's apartment complex to eat lunch and hang out! I got to hang out with these four little cuties- My two host sisters, Raquel and Carlota, Montse's daughter, Lucia, and a friend, Clara! I had an awesome time hanging out with them. Aren't they adorable?


This is the last one... I promise. ESN, the international student organization on campus, organized a trip to visit Cordoba and Sevilla, two of the most beautiful towns in Spain. Originally, I didn't get a spot on the trip, but after someone got sick, I was able to go! I'm so glad, because I had a blast. 

On Friday, we met early in the morning at the train station and took a charter bus to Cordoba. It was about a four hour trip. We arrived at the hostel, which was absolutely beautiful. I shared a room with Bailey, Alex (there are two from A&M... this is male Alex) and Amy from Canada. Here's a couple of pictures from the hostel:

We went on a walking tour around Cordoba, and we got to visit a beautiful mosque whose arches are very famous. It was awesome to see. Fun fact: Cordoba is filled with orange trees! These trees are full of beautiful, juicy oranges... that are disgusting. I asked Alex to pick me one so I could eat it, because I love oranges, but I had to spit it out because it was disgusting. Here are a few pictures from our Mosque visit and walking tour in Cordoba!

Orange trees!

Beautiful tower

New/old friends at lunch!

Their whole city looks like this...breathtaking

Friends at the Mosque


Super famous Cordoba arches

More cool arches

Statues rock

Friday night, all of the ESN students went to a club in Cordoba, which was super fun. I love making new friends!

Saturday, we headed to Sevilla! This town was beautiful as well, with a lot of history. We got to see Christopher Columbus's tomb, visit the third largest Cathedral in the world, and visit a place called Plaza de España, which was gorgeous and the set of multiple scenes in Star Wars. We watched the video of the characters walking up and over the bridge, and then we did the exact same thing on that exact same bridge. It was pretty cool. Select photos from our trip to Sevilla:

It rained all. weekend. long. I was soaked.

Christopher Columbus's tomb! Proven to be him.

Climbed to the top of the tower in the third largest Cathedral in the world... amazing sight.

There's a mosaic for every province of Spain!

Standing in the narrowest street in Sevilla!

Cool fountain pix

Action shot of my friends and our fearless leaders... Nacho, Carlos, and Charlie! Thankful for them and such a fun weekend. 

That's about all folks! I'm tired of typing and uploading pictures so I'll leave you with all this. Thanks so much for reading, and I love to hear feedback too! If you're in the states, I miss you, and if you're here in Spain... thanks for keeping me company.

Besos! xx

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